经销PA66 FR70M30V0杜邦 高硬度 经销PA66 FR70M30V0杜邦 高硬度 优点:阻燃防火高韧性高强度耐磨性高刚性自润滑高硬度耐候性消音性耐热好自熄性抗磨性易加工无蠕动不霉烂耐老化低翘曲高刚性尺寸稳定减振性好滑动性好绝缘性好耐化学性无毒无臭耐久性好防紫外线摩擦系数小玻纤加强碳纤加强导电导热 经销PA66 FR70M30V0杜邦 高硬度 介绍: PA66生产工艺分间歇法和连续法两种。连续法适合大规模生产,世界上生产尼龙66主要采用连续法。间歇法仅在两种情况下采用:一是生产特殊或试验品级;二是在生产能力为4 500t A 以下的小装置中。 PA66塑胶原料为半透明或不透明乳白包或带黄色颗粒状结晶形聚合物,具有可塑性。 PA66密度(g/cm3) 1.10-1.14;拉伸强度(MPa) 60. 0-80.0;洛氏硬度118;熔点252℃;脆化温度-30℃;热分解温度大于350℃; PA66连续耐热80-120℃;冲击强度(kJ/m2) 60-100;静弯曲强度(MPa) 1 00-120;马丁耐热(℃) 50-60;弯曲弹性模量 (MPa) 2000~3000;体积电阻率(Ωcm) 1.83×1015; 我司还供应以下产品:
供应 美国杜邦 PA66 FR70M30V0 |
供应 美国杜邦 PA66 FR7250V0 |
供应 美国杜邦 PA66 FR72G25 |
详解: If somebody swapped the real sword for the face while it was in Dumbledore’s office,” she panted, as they propped the painting against the side of the tent, “Phineas Nigellus would have seen it happen, he hangs right beside the case!” “Unless he was asleep,” said Harry, but he still held his breath as Hermione knelt down in front of the empty canvas, her wand directed at its center, cleared her throat, then said:
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